Step 1: Draw a circle, an oval underneath that circle and connecting circles and lines for the legs and feet.

Step 2: In the top most circle begin drawing details for the face/head; Ears on both sides, some hair with horns, malicious angled eyes, and the nose.

Step 3: Add more details to the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Step 4: Add long flowy hair falling behind the ear, ending towards the bottom of the oval.

Step 5: Begin drawing the front part of the body by following the guidelines in step 1 to form the legs.

Step 6: Finish the body by following the guidelines to complete the butt and back legs.

Step 7: From the butt add a curved pointy devil tail. Don't forget to add dragon like wings to the coming from behind the ponies hair.

Step 8: Your devil pony is now complete, and you can color it a firey sinster red.