A Present or a gift is an object given to a person without the expectancy of price or return. In lots of cultures, present are historically packaged in a few ways. There are many different occasions for giving present. There are special joy and emotions in giving and receiving present. Let's see how a wonderful present can be drawn.
Step 1: Using a ruler for perfect lines, draw out illustrations of rectangles forming a box shape as seen in the diagram.

Step 2: Again draw out the top of the box for clarity.

Step 3: Draw out the bottom part.

Step 4: Now draw two vertical lines on both sides and horizontal lines on top of the box as the ribbon strips.

Step 5: Make the bow shape or outline like a tied ribbon on the top of a present as on the diagram.

Step 6: Draw Dots on the side of the present looking like eyes and mouth, and little lines like eyelids. That’s all, we are good to go.

Step 7: Erase any guidelines and mistakes.

Step 8: Now you can color in your surprised Christmas Present in any color that you choose.