Step 1: Draw three circles and lines connecting and extending from the circles as shown.

Step 2: Start sketching out the head from the top most circle, include the top portion of the hair and side of ear.

Step 3: Add more hair to the back of the head and begin forming the body and back legs as shown.

Step 4: Continue drawing the body as shown.

Step 5: Complete the body by following the line guides for the bent front and back legs.

Step 6: Now we will begin with the wings, draw bent lines as shown. Don't for get a curvy line for the tail.

Step 7: Complete the wings, by following the bent wing outline repeatedly. Also add another ear and finish of the tail.

Step 8: Finish your flying pony by adding in the face.

Step 9: Erase all unnecessary lines and color in your high flying pony.