Dogs are known as faithful and trustworthy animal. Dogs are very cute and have playful nature. A doggy can be your best friend, if you treat him with love and care. There is a famous saying that “A dog is a man’s best friend”. So, here is the step by step guide on how to drawn an easy doggy.
Tag: animal
How To Draw A Collie
The collie is a typical breed of dog. And was known to emanate from Scotland.
The collie primarily known as a herding dog (family pet). Collie is a sensitive and intelligent dog, with the ability to foresee her owner’s needs. She is a loyal and great family companion. For people willing to improve and learn, here is a quick tutorial on how to draw a perfect Collie.
How To Draw A Chibi Husky
Huskys are cute dogs, that very much look like wolfs. If you are fond of dogs, then you not help but fall in love with this chibi husky. Here is the easiest way to draw this little thing.
How To Draw A Chihuahua
Chihuahua’s are cute, little animals that are adored by everyone. They are actually the smallest breed of dogs in the world. Drawing and coloring is not so difficult after all. Here is a simple tutorial.
How To Draw A Brown Dog
Drawing and coloring a naughty little brown dog is always fun. But it can be difficult to draw. Here is a wonderful idea to draw a brown dog.
How To Draw A Wolf
Wolves are large canines that look like huge wild dogs. They are often depicted in packs or howling at the moon. Real life wolves can be scary, but how about giving this scary animal an innocent look for the kids? Here is how you can do it.
How To Draw A Turtle
Turtles are cute reptiles with hard ribbed shells. They move very slow are omnivores, lay eggs by the ocean, and can live for a very long time. Does your kid find drawing a turtle difficult? Worry no more because here is the easiest guide for drawing a turtle for kids.
How To Draw A Rabbit
With the Swift jumping ability, rabbits are small herbivores animals belong to the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha. They eat grass, nuts and berries and often fruit and vegetables. At present, there are more than 50 different species of rabbit and the number continues to increase as the selective breeding of pet rabbits becomes more popular. They are popular pet particularly with young children due to their calm and quiet nature. Let us learn how to draw a rabbit.
How To Draw A Snake
Every great story seems to begin with a snake. Covered in scales, snakes are the elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles. They are found in every continent of the globe have more than 3000 species. They smell with the large tongue. Every creature has some weapon for its protection so the dangerous weapon of a snake is its poison. The biggest snake that is found so far is Reticulated Python while the smallest one is Thread snake. Now you will learn how to draw a snake via step by step process.