Step 1: Start by drawing two perfect cycles as shown in the diagram.

Step 2: Draw out the shape of the famous Santa's hat.

Step 3: You will now begin by drawing out the shape of Santa's face.

Step 4: Draw out his eyes and eyebrows.

Step 5: Draw out properly the second circle which illustrates his upper body. Then draw out his belt as shown in the diagram.

Step 6: Draw out Santa's right and left arms.

Step 7: Draw out Santa's right palm and on his left palm showing his bag. Also, illustrate a Y-shape on his chest showing as seen in the diagram.

Step 8: Draw out an illustration showing the remaining part of his shirt.

Step 9: Draw out his shoes, and legs. That’s all we have Santa ready to go.

Step 10: Erase all guidelines and mistakes. Now you can color in Santa's suit bright red.