Graffiti art is born when typography meets street art. Graffiti word art requires excessive imaginations which need a lot of time. We’ve put forward some very helpful and time-saving tutorials to help you out with this. In this tutorial, we’ll be learning how to draw graffiti word art “Street.”
Step 1: In most of our ‘Graffiti word art tutorials,’ we’ve begun our art by writing all the letters of a word initially in step 1. But, now, in this tutorial, we’ll be drawing each letter in different steps. Likewise, in this step start drawing the letter “S.”

Step 2: Resize and adjust the letter “S” to be a little smaller and spacious. Draw a letter “T” now. Arrange it behind the letter “S” for enhancing the details of our art.

Step 3: In a similar fashion, draw the letter “R.” And positioned it to its most appropriate position. Arrange it behind the letter “T.”

Step 4: Similarly, Draw the word “E” with a same sense of style. Copy and paste the shape of letter “E” beside it. As we have two E’s.

Step 5: Copy the shape of letter “T” from the previously drawn “T.” Paste it at the end of the art linearly to all the letters. Arrange it behind the letter “E” to acquire max details.

Step 6: Now it’s time to give life to our art by adding a 3D effect to it. Here’s what I’ve done. You can simply make a group of all the objects (letters) and then copy and paste the object (art). Slightly move the art below and place it backward.

Step 7: For a more prominent view of our art, draw a shape covering our art and then arrange it to be placed backwards.