Step 1: Let draw our Warrior’s hero! We start by drawing a small circle, then a slight left vertical line which goes below the circle(the neck).Below the supposed neck, curve out a square(Chest).Through the chest, draw a slight line that goes across the left and the right little bit. Both edges of the line curve out a slight line down and then move to the left to curve out the arms holding a long sword. From neck line, drag the line straight down and curve out the waist structure; meanwhile, same line will through the waist. Inside the waist structure, curve out a horizontal line to sketch the legs. Note: The left leg is being stretched while the right leg is in folded form.

Step 2: Here, we fully structure out the warrior image as sketched in step 1 to portrait human form alongside the sword

Step 3: Curve out the facial features start from the wiggle and coiling hair; then, the opened mouth

Step 4: Now, curve out the warrior’s regalia (Cloth) which flared left and other warrior’s protective shield including the booth.

Step 5: Here is the completion of step 4. The chest, hands and legs shield are drawn.

Step 6: Again, the sword and a leg protective rectangular shield are sketched out.

Step 7: Both the sword and the right leg protective rectangular shield are properly drawn.

Step 8: Hurray! We are already to coloring our Warrior.