Step 1: The first thing you be doing here is to draw a large oval or egg shape. The size is based on preference which basically means, how big you want the car to be, that is how big you draw your first shape. Make sure you add the slightly curved guideline in the middle too.

Step: 2 Then, begin sketching out the hood and the roof of the car. Take note of how the front windshield is very basic. The same lining should also create the dip in the front for the one headlight.

Step 3: The next thing now is to draw out the driver side window, and include the lining for the protective rubber at the base of the window. After that, draw the lining for the door, and then draw the spoiler feature at the bottom of the door. Then, draw the wheel well to get the simple car ready for the tire.

Step 4: Next is to draw the rear wheel well before drawing the tire. Once you are done drawing it, then you can draw the 2 tires, rims, and spokes inside of the rim. Since you are drawing a simple car, there is no need to add any tire threads unless you feel like. Draw the fog housing unit for the fog light in front of the tire.

Step5: Next is to finish off the car by drawing the rest of the hood, the headlights, and the front bumper. Now, erase all the guidelines and shapes in step one to make the work clean.