Butterfly is a very cute flying insect. Butterflies are found across the globe in different colors. A butterfly tribal tattoo represents nature or a specific culture. The butterfly tribal tattoo also represents the natural beauty. For beginners who are willing to learn, here is a step by step illustration is given on how to draw a butterfly tribal tattoo.
Samurais were ancient Japanese warriors with swords. The Japanese culture holds a significant importance about the Samurais. There are also many animated movies made on Samurais. A Samurai tribal tattoo is known for the honour and respect of the family. Today, we will teach you step by step on how to draw a Samurai tribal tattoo.
A horse is active, beautiful and strong animal. The horses were used in wars in early times and that is why the horse tribal tattoo represents strength, passion, power and courage. It can be also used as a sign of creativity, as some people are fond of having tattoos on different parts of their body. Drawing and making a tattoo is not easy task, so here is a quick tutorial on how to draw a horse tribal tattoo with perfection.