Candy bars are sugar based confectionery produced in the shape of a rectangular. Almost all candy bar contains chocolate which accounts for the brown color. With over 60000 brands of candy bar globally, the need to know how to draw a candy bar cannot be overemphasized. Here is a simple guide on how to draw one.
Cotton Candy is commonly served at fairs, circuses, carnivals, and festivals. It is made of sugar and usually comes out white but you can add food coloring and flavor to your taste. Drawing a cotton candy is as easy as preparing it. To win more cotton candy lovers to your side you need to know how to draw a cotton candy. Just follow the steps and you master the art of drawing a cotton candy.
Sundae is a mouth watering ice cream dessert. Sundae is made up of different delicious toppings such as chocolate, vanilla and etc. So, if you are happy and you know it, eat your sundae (lick, lick). It is very simple and easy to draw a sundae and we are going to teach you how to draw a Sundae step by step.