For those striving to learn the basics of drawing and graphics, making a lily can take a lot of time and efforts. Understanding the tricks of producing an artwork is not everyone’s cup of tea. Hence, here is a simple and easy tutorial for beginners who are kick starting their artistic career with the perfect drawing of a lily:
Step 1: Let your imagination go wild. Draw few lines and join them at the bottom. At the top of each line draw various shapes that will represent the stigma.

Step 2: Next draw three basic petals with a free hand as the lines are not supposed to be straight.

Step 3: From the spaces in between each petal, draw more petals so it can add to the layers of this beautiful lily.

Step 4: make a bud on the top left of the lily.

Step 5: Draw stems below the flower. One can easily add leaves to the stem to complete the look of the artwork.