Step 1: For this step we will draw the bottom base. Do this by drawing a circle, then draw two smaller circles within that circle. Next draw a cross inside of the smallest circle extending a little outside of the largest circle. What you just drew should look something like a target. Then draw a diagonal line outside and through the circle. Then from the end of the diagonal line draw a straight horizontal line.

Step 2: Now we will draw the top of the cannon. At the top of the diagonal line draw a short straight line, then a curve around the base of the cannon. Then draw the bottom part trail.

Step 3: Then inside of the target circle, draw multiple diagonal lines all around to make it look more like a wheel. Like as shown.

Step 4: Inside the barrel of the cannon add slanted horizontal stripes.

Step 5: Now erase any mistakes or extra unnecessary lines.

Step 6: Now your cannon is ready to color and shade.