Step 1: This step is so easy it would take just a few seconds. Begin by drawing a large circle.

Step 2: Continue by drawing a slightly curved line from the top of your circle all the way down and another curved line just at the bottom of your circle from edge to edge

Step 3: From the top of your slightly curved line, draw another adjoining line that connects just quarter way through the circle Step 4: Draw a semi-circle from the top of your circle and proceed with a wavy line that connects quarter way through the circle.

Step 5: From the edge of your wavy line at the left hand side of your circle, draw a circle that runs from your left, to the middle all the way to the other edge of your wavy line.

Step 6: Draw a wavy line from the edge of your semi-circle all the way to the other side.

Step 7: Just at the top where you have your semi-circle and a wavy line, draw random thick strokes in the middle of that semi-circle.

Step 8: In the middle of your large circle, draw to small circle opposite each other to represent the eye and a nice little semicircular line in between to represent the nose

Step 9: Finish off with a pink blush just beneath the eyes.