Step 1: First we will start by sketching out the front blade of the bulldozer. This is an oblong ridged curved rectangular shape. Add rugged squiggly lines to the bottom of the blade. Then add a slanted horizontal line to the left side of the blade to add dimension.

Step 2: To the left side of the blade add a far slanted oval with 2 slanted circles. This will be for the side wheels.

Step 3: Add two lines extending from the sides of the wheels and connect it to the blade. Add a curved line/semi circle to the right side of the blade to give it even more dimension. Also add more dimension to the side wheels as shown.

Step 4: We will now start adding slanted lines a shown in the figure to begin framing the cabin.

Step 5: Add a slanted trapezoid to the top part of the lines drawn in the previous step. Also close off the top of the cabin and add a side box to the cabin.

Step 6: Add a door and more line to the cabin for more detail.

Step 7: Close off the body of the bull dozer by adding slanted lines to create the fender. This connects the cabin to the blade. Also add rectangles to the top of the cabin for front lights.

Step 8: Add more detail to the fender, and horizontal lines to the side wheels to make it more realistic.

Step 9: Clean up your lines and your all done with your bulldozer.