Cats can be cute all by themselves, though a cat with a yarn ball is even cuter. Yarn balls are a cats best friend, today I’m going to show you how to draw a cat laying down playing with one.
How To Draw A Sitting Cat
Cats when compared to dogs are more than pleased to be left alone to their own devices. If you are to use cat graphics in your artwork, there’ll be more than a few occasions when you need to draw the cat either sitting down or lying down. So let’s start with the first. Follow this easy tutorial given here to draw an adorable little kitty-cat sitting on its furry bottom, ears primly raised and mouth open in joyful bewilderment.
How To Draw A Purple Cat
Cats are carnivorous mammals often kept as pets. These animals usually have thick and beautifully colored fur. They are adorable and funny animals when domesticated properly. What is lovelier than a drawing of a purple cat? Follow this simple step by step guide to wow your loved ones.
How To Draw A Pink Kitten
Remember the cute, pink Hello Kitty image that used to adorn so many clothes and bags? And also remember the long-limbed flamingo-coloured image of the ever-so-famous Pink Panther? Well, the pink cat that you see here is obviously far more lifelike than Hello Kitty and far furrier than Pink Panther. But it still has the cuteness and charm that is common to all pink cats. To set off its adorability, it’s complete with a fluffy pink tail and huge kawaii eyes. Learn how to recreate this picture of pink cat glory, by following the simple steps given here.
How To Draw A Lucky Cat
The Lucky Cat or Maneki-Neko is a Japanese talisman that is believed to bring about good luck to its owner. Hence why it is commonly featured in businesses, stores and restaurants. This Fortune Cat is usually shown with its paw raised and comes in various colors such as pink, white, gold, black, red, and green each denoting a different significance.
How To Draw An Orange Cat
Who among us doesn’t love Garfield. He looooves eating, particularly lasagna (food of the gods) and he absolutely despises Mondays. Due to the popularity he attained, we will forever think of Garfield whenever we hear the two words ‘orange cat’. Bear in mind though, as lovable as Garfield is, orange tabby cats can be made to look even cuter with just a few strokes of your pencil. Following the steps given below, you too can easily conjure the picture of an adorable orange tabby cat staring contentedly into the distance.
How To Draw A Brown Kitten
Cats with brown fur are common and they are also fun to be with. The hair looks beautiful when shining. The pet is a well balanced, moderately sized, muscular short-haired cat with a body of average length. By the end of this lesson you should be able to draw a brown cat.
How To Draw A Blue Cat
In this tutorial we are going to be drawing a normal kawaii kitty and this cat just so happens to be colored blue. Cats are usually not blue, but this blue kitty is cute and fluffy, with beautiful eyes to match.
How To Draw A Bowtie Kitty
Responses towards cat wearing bowtie were either “yay! Cats wearing ties!” or “where can I buy my cat a tie” Well, you’re in luck if your cat prefers bow ties. Cat are naturally beautiful but when cats are on bowtie, trust me they are more beautiful. Drawing bowtie kitty is just simple, here is the technique.
How To Draw A Black Cat
Black cats are usually looked upon as symbols of bad luck, especially if one crosses your path. Superstitions aside we will be drawing a cute black cat. This black cat will go along great with other Halloween drawings, now lets begin.